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"Oh What a Savior" (Marvin P Dalton/Stamps Quartet Music/BMI/©1948, ©1976)
Also written as "O What A Savior," "Oh What A Saviour," "O What A Saviour," and "What A Savior."
- Anchormen (2004 Times And Seasons)
- Apostles (2011 Hymns Melodies And Spiritual Songs)
- Bibletones (1983 The Mississippi Sound Of The Bibletones)
- Blackwood Brothers (1962 At Home With The Blackwoods; 1970 The Best Of The Blackwood Brothers; 1977 Sixteen All-Time Favorites; 2000 Beulah Land; 2011 Live From Florida; 2013 Live In Concert)
- Blackwood Quartet (1998 Classic Collection)
- Blackwood Singers (1969 Young Americans)
- Brian Free And Assurance (2002 Timeless Hymns & Classics)
- Brion Carter (1995 A Tenor's Tribute)
- Cathedral Quartet (1968 Focus on Glen Payne; 1990 Climbing Higher and Higher; 1993 Some Of Their Finest Moments; 1996 The Cathedral Collection; 1997 Alive: Deep in the Heart of Texas; 1999 A Farewell Celebration; 1999 Anthology: A 35 year Musical Journey; 1999 Through The Years: 20 All-Time Favorites; 2000 Signature Songs Volume 1; 2001 Live: Coast To Coast; ; 2001 The Cathedrals; 2012 Moody Radio Presents... Live In Chicago)
- Cavaliers Quartet (???? New Beginnings)
- Crownsmen Quartet Of Cincinnati (???? The Crownsmen Quartet)
- Deep South Quartet (1965 I Shall Be At Home With Jesus)
- Dennis Gwizdala (2001 I've Been Drinking From The Well)
- Dixie Echoes (2003 The Old Fashioned Way)
- Dixie Melody Boys (1963 Jesus Use Me; 1998 Live in Music City; 2006 Traditions)
- Down East Boys (1987 First Drop Of Rain)
- Driven Quartet (2011 Crucified With Christ)
- Duane Nicholson (1965 A Song And A Prayer)
- Eddie Crook (???? Country Hymns)
- Elaine Wilburn (???? Just For You)
- Ernie Haase (1993 Oh, What A Savior; 2000 Never Alone; 2000 Why I Sing... Live!)
- Ernie Haase And Signature Sound (2003 Building A Bridge, 2004 Stand By Me – Live, 2007 Get Away Jordan; 2008 The Early Years; 2010 A Tribute To The Cathedral Quartet; 2012 California Live - Volume Two; 2014 Oh, What A Savior; 2015 Happy People; 2023 Live In Amsterdam - 20th Anniversary Celebration)
- Ernie Phillips (???? Get Acquainted)
- Erwins (2000 Swing Wide The Gates)
- Florida Boys (1980 Movin' On Up)
- Frank Stamps Quartet (1961 What A Savior)
- Gaither Homecoming Series (1995 Revival; 1996 Homecoming Texas Style; 1997 Special Homecoming Moments; 2007 South Africa Homecoming)
- Gold City (1983 Higher Than The Moon)
- Gospel Brass (1979 Camp Meeting Time)
- Gospel Harmony Boys (1968 Jesus Walked All The Way)
- Gospel Mariners Quartet (???? Grand Homecoming)
- Gospelaires (???? The Best Of The Gospelaires)
- Harvesters (1977 Jesus Christ Solid Rock)
- Hayes Family (1997 Heavenly Music)
- Homesteaders (2006 Reminiscing)
- Houstonians (196? Music From The Houstonians)
- Ivan Parker (1998 A Collection Of 20 Favorites)
- J D Sumner And The Stamps (1991 "Sing"-Cerely Yours; 1994 Songs You Requested)
- James Blackwood Quartet (1991 Magnificent Sounds)
- John McKay (1970 Oh What A Savior)
- Johnny Cook (1976 The Voice)
- Johnny Parrack (1981 Wondeful Peace)
- Kingdom Heirs (1972 That Day Is Almost Here)
- Kingsmen Quartet (1972 Johnny Parrack Out Front; 1973 High And Low: Johnny Parrack And Ray Reese; 1998 Kingsmen Standards: Southern Classics Volume 2; 2012 Once Again; 2013 Front Row Live!)
- Land Of The Sky Boys (???? Land Of The Sky Boys Volume 2; 2000 Up Close; 2011 Timeless)
- Larry Ford (1998 Homecoming Favorites; 2009 The Best Of Larry Ford)
- LeFevre Quartet (2014 Something Familiar)
- Lewis Family (1972 Best By A Country Mile)
- Masters V (1982 O What a Savior; 1998 The Original Masters V Live)
- Melody Boys Quartet (2005 Someone To Throw The Rock; 2009 60 Year Anniversary Concert)
- Melody Masters Quartet (1997 University Live; ???? Classic Style)
- N Harmony (2000 Tribute, A Collection Of Favorites)
- Old Friends Quartet (2000 Encore)
- Old Paths (2011 Simplicity; 2014 Decade)
- Palmetto State Quartet (2012 Classic Hits)
- Paynes (1980 Oh What A City)
- Port City Quartet (2018 Run On)
- PromisedLand Quartet (2000 I'm Going To A City)
- Psalms IV Quartet (1984 Thank You, Lord)
- Rebels (1964 Sincerely Yours)
- Revelaires Quartet (???? Single; ???? Untitled Album)
- Rosie Rozell (???? Alive An Well)
- Rosie Rozell And The Searchers (1973 What A Saviour)
- Scott Fowler (???? Champion Of Love)
- Sherrill Nielsen (1962 A Name I Highly Treasure)
- Singing Echoes (1977 On Heaven's Bright Shore)
- Songfellows Quartet (1963 Coming Your Way; 1996 Love That Gospel Music; 2011 The Bible Told Me So)
- Sons Of Harmony (1962 Then Came The Dawn!)
- Southmen Quartet (1975 Singing Southern Style)
- The Stamps Quartet (1963 What A Savior)
- Statesmen (1963 The Mystery of His Way; 1969 Taller Than Trees; 1977 The Legendary Statesmen Return; 1979 Hovie Lister And The Sensational Statesmen; 1982 Live At The Joyful Noise; 1992 O What a Savior; 1997 Hovie Lister And The Statesmen; 1997 Saints Don't You Know)
- Swanee River Boys (???? Swanee River Boys Finest)
- Triumphant Quartet (2016 Triumphant Favorites Vol. 1)
- Weatherfords (1988 Touch Through Me)
- Williamsons (2017 Sunday Best - Volume 2)