"Near To The Heart Of God" (Cleland B McAfee/Public Domain)
- Ball Brothers (2008 Simplified)
- Blackwood Brothers (1980 Hymns Of The Church)
- Cathedral Quartet (1965 Cathedral Quartet With Strings; 1971 Request Time; 1984 Classics; 1988 Collection Volume 1; 1999 Hymns And Spiritual Songs; 2000 Precious Memories: Hymns Of Faith)
- Doug Oldham (1981 Golden Treasury Of Hymns Volume II)
- Eddie Crook (???? Blessed Assurance)
- Gerald Wolfe (1999 Hymns)
- Good Twins (1964 Good-bye World)
- Gospel Lads (1972 Hymns)
- Goss Brothers (1961 A Song In My Heart - Jesus In My Soul)
- Hovie Lister (1985 From The Soul)
- Imperials (1964 Fireside Hymns)
- J D Sumner (1965 Bass, Bass, Bass)
- Keystone Quartet (1967 Hymns)
- King's Heralds (1949 The King's Heralds Sing For You; 195? Jesus Is Coming Again; 1979 Golden Jubilee)
- Lari Goss (1987 20 Piano Hymns; 1988 40 Piano Hymns; 2014 Forever Hymns)
- Liberty Quartet (2006 There's A Testimony)
- Mack Taunton (???? Nearer My God To Thee: Gospel Solos By Mack Taunton)
- Old Fashioned Revival Hour Quartet (196? Old Fashioned Revival Hour Quartet Accompanied By Rudy Atwood)
- Singing Americans (197? Amazing Grace)
- Statesmen (1959 Hymns; 1992 I Surrender All)
- Tennessee Ernie Ford (1971 Abide With Me)
- Toney Brothers (???? Songs Of Inspiration)