"Shoutin' Ground" (Sandy Knight/Kingsmen Publishing Company/BMI)
Also recorded as Shouting Ground.
- Calvarymen Quartet (???? On Track)
- Gold City (1984 Walk On; 1986 Gold City Gold; 1991 10 Year Celebration; 1994 Classics; 2023 Anthology, Volume 1)
- Guardians (2004 Still The Cross)
- LeFevre Quartet (2016 Old Gold)
- Quartet Classic (2023 1980's Volume One)
- Roy Knight Singers (1985 Little David; 2009 25th Silver: The Songs Of Sandy Knight)
- Senators (1984 Shoutin' Ground)
- Various Artists (1986 20 Great Gospel Quartet Greats Vol. 1)
"Shoutin' Ground" (Mosie Lister/Lillenas Music/SESAC)
- Rebels (1979 Jesus Is Coming, He's Coming Again)
"Shoutin' Ground" (Tracy Dartt/Dartt Music Company/BMI/©2004)
- Dartts (2004 Pointless)