"His Eye Is On The Sparrow" (Civilla D Martin/Charles H Gabriel/Rodeheaver Music/BMI/©1905)
- Ann Downing (1992 Treasured Gifts)
- Blackwood Brothers (1975 Hymns Of Gold)
- Blue Ridge Quartet (1961 He's Life; 1966 Who Am I; 1976 For God And Country)
- Bobby Green (1972 God Is Real)
- Buddy Liles (2000 Classics)
- Calvarymen Quartet (1962 Sing, Smile And Be Happy)
- Carolinians Quartet (1955 Steal Away And Pray)
- Carroll Roberson (2003 Happy And Free)
- Charles Johnson And The Revivers (1996 Hymns)
- Claiborne Brothers Quartette (196? Satisfied)
- Cody McVey (2012 Symphony)
- Dave Weston (1967 Plays Tingling Gospel Music)
- Davis Family Quartet (1969 In His Hands)
- Dennis Gwizdala (2011 The Blues Project)
- Gaither Homecoming Series (1993 Christmas Homecoming; 2001 Best Of Homecoming 2001; 2001 A Billy Graham Homecoming Volume One; 2004 We Will Stand; 2009 Joy In My Heart)
- Gary McSpadden (2002 Great Hymns & Gospel Songs)
- Garry Jones (1991 20 Piano Favorites)
- George Beverly Shea (1955 Evening Vespers; 1969 Evening Prayer)
- Gerald Wolfe (2011 Hymns You Asked For)
- Greater Vision (2014 Because You Asked)
- Greenes (2003 In Times Like These)
- Homesteaders (2006 Reminiscing)
- Inspirations (1968 The Next Step You Take)
- J D Sumner (1968 The Many Moods Of The Illustrious J.D. Sumner)
- Jay Parrack & Johnny Parrack (2002 In His Steps)
- Jeff Stice (2016 Through It All)
- Jim Hamill (2002 Old Time Christian)
- Jim Hill And The Golden Keys Quartet (19?? What A Day That Will Be)
- Jimmy Swaggart (1972 The Sacred Strings Of Jimmy Swaggart)
- Joe Atkinson (196? I Have One Song)
- Joe Melashenko (1975 Out Of The Deep)
- John Hagee Family (2003 We Believe)
- John McKay (1969 The Song Stylings Of John McKay)
- John Price (1972 The King Is Coming)
- Jubilee Quartet (19?? Tenth Anniversary Album)
- Keystone Quartet (1963 Introducing The Keystone Quartet)
- Kingsmen Quartet (1959 What Love; 1991 Classic Hymns)
- Larnelle Harris (1986 From A Servant's Heart)
- Latinos (1971 With Songs For You)
- London Parris And The Apostles (???? His Eye Is On The Sparrow)
- Masters V (1981 The Masters V; 1985 Sing Fabulous Blackwood Brothers Hits; 1988 James Blackwood With The Masters V; 1991 Live In Concert; 1994 Doris Akers And The Gospel Choir; 1998 The Original Masters Five Live)
- Oak Ridge Boys (1964 Together)
- Perfect Heart (1997 Hymn Time)
- Pine Ridge Boys (???? Daddy Sang Bass)
- Plainsmen (1961 Someone's Watching Over You; 1965 Gospel Songs For Country Folks; 1972 In Gospel Country)
- Rick Busby (???? A New Beginning)
- Roger Talley (1994 The Legacy)
- Shannon Childress (1998 Shannon Childress)
- Singing Kolenda Family (196? Sings Then Jesus Came; 197? The King Is Coming; 1976 Singing Kolendas)
- Sons Of Harmony (1962 Then Came The Dawn!)
- Stuart Hamblen (1957 The Grand Old Hymns)
- Tennessee Ernie Ford (1958 Nearer The Cross)
- Tim Lovelace (1998 Wherever He Leads)
- Various Artists (1968 America's Gospel Classics)
- Vicksburg Quartet (1969 The Vicksburg Quartet Sings Gospel)
- Weatherfords (1962 At The Cathedral Of Tomorrow)