Alan Kendall
Alan Kendall sang lead for the Melody Boys Quartet in 2009. In 2011 he joined Freedom Trio to sing baritone, then in 2012 joined the Rebels singing lead. Kendall has also traveled as a soloist and more recently sang lead for Jordan's Bridge.
Solo Discography
2017 ''Ease On Down The Road" Satisfied; Where Is God; The Sun Will Shine Again; Too Much Complaining; First Day In Heaven; The King We Need; That's Enough; Ease On Down; In Jesus Name; I Am Redeemed.
2017 ''Ease On Down The Road" Satisfied; Where Is God; The Sun Will Shine Again; Too Much Complaining; First Day In Heaven; The King We Need; That's Enough; Ease On Down; In Jesus Name; I Am Redeemed.
Songwriter's Résumé
(Partial List)
The Sun Will Shine Again