"No Disappointments In Heaven" (Kenny Gates/George Younce/LeFevre Sing Music/BMI)
- Blue Ridge Quartet (1963 By His Hand; 1968 Songs We Can't Stop Singing; 1975 Best Yet; ???? Autograph Album)
- Cathedral Quartet (1966 Greatest Gospel Hits; 1971 Hits)
- Dixie Melody Boys (1964 Answering Requests)
- Florida Boys (1962 At Carnegie Hall)
- Frost Brothers (1964 The Frost Brothers Quartet)
- Georgians (1964 House Of Prayer)
- Gospel Harmony Boys (1963 Someone To Care)
- Hoppers (1963 Man On The Middle Cross)
- Jimmie Davis (1963 Highway To Heaven)
- Orrells (1964 Youth Sings Out)
- Rebels (1963 No Disappointments In Heaven)
- Senators (1984 Shoutin' Ground)
- Thrasher Brothers (1963 Thrasher Brothers)