Mike Allen

Mike Allen


Mike Allen (born Mike Allen Hofacker) is a Southern Gospel bass singer and a veteran of the United States Marines. He was a member of The Weatherfords around 1991. He was with Poet Voices from 1996-1998. He next filled in with the Old Friends Quartet when George Younce was unable to perform. Mike also sang for the Homeland Quartet in the early 2000s.

In 2007, he replaced Hovie Walker as bass singer for the Prophets. He was a long-term fill-in as bass singer for the LeFevre Quartet from 2010-2011. Mike sang with the Palmetto State Quartet in the early 2010s. He also sang bass for the Songfellows Quartet from 2014-2018.

When Brian Speer and wife Allison Durham Speer launched the New Speer Family in 2018, Allen was tapped for the bass singing position. In 2021 Mike Allen joined GloryWay Quartet.


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