"He Was There All The Time" (Gary Paxton/New Pax Music/BMI)
- Bill Gaither Trio (1976 Praise)
- Blackwood Brothers (1977 Jesus Let Me Write You A Song; 1979 Live! At The National Quartet Convention; 1983 Learning To Lean; 1984 Release Me From My Sin; 1989 The Unforgettable Pat Hoffmaster with the Blackwood Brothers)
- Blue Ridge Quartet (1979 Those Cotton Pick'in Blue Ridge Have Done It Again)
- Bridge (1978 Live With Bob Benson)
- Cedar Ridge (1981 To You With Love)
- Couriers (1978 We're Peculiar People)
- Cruse Family (1976 Heaven Bound)
- Doug Oldham (1977 I Am...Because)
- Florida Boys (???? Sing Your Concert Requests)
- Gaither Homecoming Series (2008 Rock Of Ages)
- Gold City (1981 Sing Golden Nuggets)
- Gordon Perryman (197? Heaven's Sounding Sweeter)
- Gospel Brass (1979 Camp Meeting Time)
- Gospel Harmony Boys (198? Jesus Is Mine)
- Gospel Lads (1977 All He Wants Is You)
- Heaven Bound (1978 Jesus Is Coming)
- Henry Slaughter (1983 Precious Memories - Featuring The Keyboards Of Henry Slaughter)
- His Image (1982 Til He Comes)
- Jake Hess (1982 Jake Hess With Chris And Becky)
- Jerry And The Goffs (1979 Sharing Christ)
- Jim Whittington And The Special Edition (1984 It's In My Heart)
- Land Of The Sky Boys (???? Land Of The Sky Boys Volume 2; 1998 Good News/He's Coming Soon)
- Lesters (1979 Ain't God Good)
- Lundstroms (1979 Down Home Feeling)
- Masters V (1986 Have A Little Faith)
- Mercy's Mark (2006 Something's Happening)
- Nancy Harmon And The Victory Voices (1980 He Didn't Bring Us This Far)
- Palmetto State Quartet (???? How Great Thou Art)
- Pat Hoffmaster (1979 Take Another Look)
- Psalms IV Quartet (1981 Created In His Image)
- Rebels (1978 Everybody's Singing)
- Roger McDuff (1978 Portrait)
- Singing Cookes (1979 He's Always There)
- Singing Nicholsons (1978 Learning To Lean)
- Songsmen Quartet (1978 The Old Country Church)
- Statesmen (1978 Glory, Glory Clear The Road; 1980 He Is Here; 1983 How Great Thou Art; 2006 Gospel Gold)
- Toney Brothers (1979 Shine On Me)
- Triumphant Quartet (2013 The Greatest Story)
- Willie Wynn And The Tennesseans (197 I Am A Seeker)
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