Group Members

(Partial List)

Barbara Cupp (????-????)
Charity Cupp (????-????)
Christopher Cupp (????-????)
Hannah Cupp (????-????)
Jonathan Cupp (????-????)
Judy Cupp (????-????)
Larry Cupp (????-????)
Sarah Cupp (????-????)
Troy Cupp (????-????)

The Cupps (????-????)


2005 What’s Wrong With Living Right (Custom Records): It’s Worth It All; What’s Wrong With Living Right; Heaven Will Be Worth The Journey; Built By The Hands Of The King; Only The Blood; I Wasn’t There; I Can Make It When I Pray; The Sweet Holy Ghost; Arise; Garden Of Prayer. (Christopher Cupp, Barbara Cupp, Troy Cupp, Larry Cupp, Jonathan Cupp, Hannah Cupp, Charity Cupp, Sarah Cupp, Judy Cupp).
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