"Ride That Glory Train" (Public Domain)
- Apostolic Boys (2000 Singing And Rejoicing)
- Ball Brothers (2012 Vocalized 2)
- Blue Ridge Quartet (1961 He's Life)
- Cathedral Quartet (1996 Radio Days; 1997 Alive! Deep In The Heart Of Texas; 1999 Anthology: A 35 Year Musical Journey; 1999 20 Convention Classics; 2000 Signature Songs Volume 1; 2001 The Cathedrals)
- Claiborne Brothers Quartette (196? Heart Felt Spirituals)
- Glen Payne (2000 Out Front)
- Liberty Quartet (2008 Say It Again)
- Marksmen (1979 Ride That Glory Train)
- Oak Ridge Boys (1964 Sing For You)
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