Herb Hoover
Solo Discography
1962 Till Light Breaks Through (Victory Records/ZLP-627): Hollow Of His Hand; All Hail The Power; Jesus Is Always There; Mansion Over The Hilltop; Saved By Grace; Down From His Glory; Take Up Thy Cross; Harbored In Jesus; Just Keep On Praying; There's No Friend To Me Like Jesus (with Jack Holcomb).
1964 Herb Hoover Sings (TDE Records/TDE 512): I Asked The Lord; Lead Me, Guide Me; Don't Spare Me; Lord, I Want To Be A Christian; Poor Wayfaring Stranger; When Little Children Pray; Zions Hill; How Great Thou Art; He Made The Blind To See; Joshua Fit The Battle; I've Got So Many Million Years; His Hands; Does Jesus Care; Medley: Jesus Is His Name/Without Him.