Riley Harrison Clark
Riley Harrison Clark sang tenor for Tribute Quartet from 2010 to 2018. At the end of 2018, he left Tribute to pursue a solo career.

2018 Welcome To Me (Daywind Records/DAY-0822): Glory To Glory; Welcome To Me; Still; I Surrender; You Will Be Found; Running Down My Fear; Then He Opened His Arms; One With You; Remember His Faithfulness.
2020 Oh How You Love (Daywind Records): My Jesus I Love Thee; Nothing But The Blood/The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power; Because Of Who You Are; Sweeter; Oh How You Love; Today Is The Day; Just As I Am/I Need Thee Every Hour; Rock Of Ages; Joyful Joyful; (some versions of this release include Mary Did You Know as a bonus track).
Songwriter's Résumé
(Partial List)
Glory To Glory
I Surrender
Remember His Faithfulness
Running Down My Fear