Randy Dale Shelnut
Randy Shelnut is the son of Dale Shelnut. He has been with the Dixie Echoes since 1970, serving in various positions including lead singer, baritone singer, and musician. He took over ownership of the group when his father passed away. He eventually sold ownership to his son, Randy Shelnut Jr and Stewart Varnado.
Singing News Fan Awards
Favorite Baritone Singer (1984, 1985)
Southern Gospel Music Association Hall Of Fame (2017)
Solo Discography
1998 Just Pickin' (with Randy Shelnut Jr) (Custom Records/ESCD-201): Old Convention Song; Battle Of Jericho; Crying In The Chapel; I'll Fly Away; Praise Walk; Leaning On The Everlasting Arms; Just A Closer Walk With Thee; Amazing Grace; Goodbye World Goodbye; From The Depths Of My Heart.
1998 Just Pickin' (with Randy Shelnut Jr) (Custom Records/ESCD-201): Old Convention Song; Battle Of Jericho; Crying In The Chapel; I'll Fly Away; Praise Walk; Leaning On The Everlasting Arms; Just A Closer Walk With Thee; Amazing Grace; Goodbye World Goodbye; From The Depths Of My Heart.
Songwriter's Résumé
(Partial List)
Forever And A Day
In The Palm Of His Hand
My Sins Weighed More
Singing News Blues
Tell A Bible Story
Tell It To Him
Walkin' On With Jesus
We Need A Revival