
Kurt Young (1984-1989; 1990-1995)
Terry Edwards (1989-1990)

Scott Crawley (1984-1990) (switched to baritone)
Dale Forbes (1990-1991)
David Staton (1992-1995)

Craig Turner (1984-1985)
Kirk Sullivan (1985-1988)
Greg Gillette (1988-1989)
Brian Yandell (1989-1990)
Scott Crawley (1990-1995) (switched from lead)

Brian Rose (1984-1995)

Priority (1984-1995) (Also see LeFevre Quartet)



1984 Let It Be Jesus (Crown Records/PR-060784): Messiah; Still Be BelievIng; More; Let It Be Jesus; Be Strong; Fight The Good Fight; Still Time; Reflection Of Perfection; The Praise In Us; Take Me To The Top; Lamb Of God (Kurt Young, Scott Crawley, Craig Turner, Brian Rose).

1985 Priority (Impact Records/RO3900): Good News Gets Better; Fight For Me; More; Still Be Believing; Take Me To The Top; Follow On; Let It Be Jesus; There Is Still Time; Be Strong (Kurt Young, Scott Crawley, Kirk Sullivan, Brian Rose).

1988 My Redeemer Lives (Homeland Records/HR8865): Another Heaven Song; Begone; The Lord Alone Is Worthy; It's Still Written Today; Holy Of Holies; My Redeemer Lives; Jesus Is A Friend Of Mine; Test Of Time; Operator; Holy, Holy, Holy (Kurt Young, Scott Crawley, Greg Gillette, Brian Rose).

1989 Does Jesus Ever Cross Your Heart (Homeland Records/HC8913): Love Still Flows; Cross Your Heart; Remember Me; He Left It All; Battle Hymn Of The Republic; I've Never Had It So Good; David's Psalm; My Turn To Give; Lord I Want To Thank You; What Will You Do For Jesus (Kurt Young, Scott Crawley, Brian Yandell, Brian Rose).

1990 Classics (Homeland Records/HC9025): When The Saints Go Marching In; I'll Fly Away; Amazing Grace; Just A Little Talk With Jesus; This Ole House; Daddy Sang Bass; What A Day That Will Be; Heaven's Jubilee; Piano Solo (Terry Edwards, Dale Forbes, Scott Crawley, Brian Rose).

1990 Wake Up Church (Homeland Records/7015111217): More Than Just A Memory; Go Back To The Cross; Not Guilty; Wake Up Church; Sing Angels Sing; My Lord Reached Down; That Story That Never Grows Old; That Same Blood; The Cross Anchors My Soul; Stay On Board (Terry Edwards, Dale Forbes, Scott Crawley, Brian Rose).

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