Eric Phillips
Eric Phillips joined the Mark Trammell Trio in 2002 after traveling previously with the Melody Masters Quartet. He left Trammell's group in 2009, then rejoined them in 2012. By that point, the group had added a bass singer and rebranded as the Mark Trammell Quartet. Phillips' second tenure lasted about a year.
He then helped to form Quartet Classic along with former Mercy's Mark lead/Legacy Five tenor Josh Feemster, Tim Feemster (Josh's brother), and former Old Time Gospel Hour Quartet/Mercy's Mark bass Christian Davis. The group launched in 2022 and traveled on a limited basis, mostly singing Southern Gospel songs from the 1970s and 1980s.
Phillips is the son of former Kingsmen Quartet tenor Ernie Phillips.
Singing News Fan Awards:
Horizon Individual (2004)