(redirected from O.OldLandmark)
"The Old Landmark" (Public Domain)
Also recorded as the Old Landmark.
- Carroll Roberson (2012 The Best of Carroll Roberson Volume 1)
- Couriers (1966 The Couriers)
- Crossmen Quartet (2002 He Is Leading)
- Dixie Melody Boys (1997 The Best Of The Dixie Melody Boys Volume 1)
- Ernie Haase And Signature Sound (2008 Dream On; 2023 Live In Amsterdam - 20th Anniversary Celebration)
- Gaither Homecoming Series (1991 Homecoming; 1997 Back Home in Indiana)
- Kingsmen Quartet (1964 A Visit With The Kingsmen; 1997 Southern Classics: Kingsmen Standards)
- Mark Lowry (2004 The Best Of Mark Lowry - Volume Two)
- Melody Men (???? Only Believe)
- Music City Singers (196? The Inspirations Sing Something Old Something New)
- Nancy Harmon And The Victory Voices (1979 Something Special For You)
- Statesmen (1962 Singing Time in Dixie; 1968 Hits of the Decade; 1975 Sunday Meeting Time)